
Originally posted on Spirit Meets Bone:
As I rounded the corner of the snow-covered field, I noticed the run of tracks pressed into the fresh powder. I know dog and deer and these looked like neither. They were small and thin, like contrails and if there were indentations for paw or claw they didn’t reveal…

The Last Piggyback

I am king of the world! I raised both my arms as my scream echoed along the mountain ridges. My father, who was holding on to my legs as I perched on top of him in a piggyback, joined me in unison. Our cries reverberated all throughout the mountains. I felt my ears start to tingle at the repetition of…

When You are not Ready to Raise an Angel

Ticktock. Ticktock. Ticktock. I silently prayed to God, if he truly is out there, please let me be happy. I still have a lot of dreams in queue. My whole life is already planned: graduate college, have a steady career, fall in love, get married and have kids, retire early, start my own cafe, and see…

Being human means wanting more

Have you ever dreamed of becoming a movie actor and instantly become discouraged because you studied your features in the mirror? Obviously, not star material; but, that didn’t stop you from admiring people who achieved your dream. You’d slump on your couch and eat popcorn while you marvel at their performances. You can’t do anything better but picture yourself…

8 Things You Learned while Growing Up

Have you ever come across one point in your life where you say, “Gosh, I wish I knew sooner!“? I know everybody does. But, truth be told that even though we wish to be beings of infinite knowledge and experiences, stuff like that won’t likely happen. As babies, our expertise and talents are acquired as we…

To Another Province I Go!

Around three years ago, I had undergone a dilemma typical with high school students: choosing the right program. As the end of the school year drew near, I frantically searched for possible options. I was one of the majority who don’t actually have a specific field of interest in mind, it became mentally exhausting to the point where…